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feeder fishing with Steve Ringer

monthly online

video and FREE e-mag

88 MINUTE HD VIDEO - It's wet and it's windy but Steve is determined to catch carp from a very shallow, heavily coloured stillwater. Packed full of tips, tactics and top advice from the new Golden Rod Champion!


88 minute HD video

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issue 13

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A warm welcome to Issue 13 of Feeder Fishing with Steve Ringer. Steve now presents Feeder Fishing every month and his aim is to bring you the very best information to help take your feeder fishing to the next level.

Steve is the best feeder angler in the world and to have the unique opportunity to share his practice sessions is incredible and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy filming them and putting them together.


"After the last issue at Staunton Harold which I believe is one of the best issues we've done to date, I decided to that carp should be top of the list for this issue now that we're into Spring when the weather can be so changeable. This obviously has a bearing on the fishing and a couple of weeks prior to filming this issue, we had very settled weather with mild temperatures but now it's blowing a gale, cold and we could be in for some heavy showers! Because I wanted to catch some springtime carp today, I've decided to sit on Gearys Level which is very shallow in the most part, but it's also heavily coloured all year round.


I'm on peg 36 which is on point and when I get to the swim I notice the wind is blowing from left to right and I've got plenty of open water in front of me and I can also cast to the noted feature on this lake which is know as The Sticks. These sticks sit on top of a shallow gravel bar and it's where you need to cast in the warmer months but I'm thinking that area will also hold some fish today. So join me for another session where I'll tell you everything I'm doing and why as the session progresses"

Steve Ringer



Issue 13 - VIDEO CLIP

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1st Floor Nene House,

Sopwith Way,

Daventry, NN11 8EA
Registration number: 01934233

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